Who am I and why blogging?
That is a good question. Until recently, I had never given any consideration to writing a blog. I didn't think it was worth doing and it was not my cup of tea. However, I have had a change of heart of late for several reasons and there is no better time than the present to get started!
Maybe I should start with a little about myself. Hi! My name is Gary and I am from the wonderful country of Scotland. I am what you would call a "mature" student being over the age of 40! Since 2016 I have been on a journey to complete my Computing and IT degree from the Open University, and now, in 2023 I am in the final year of that journey. Since the final year involves a major project and involves applying for jobs, I thought it would help to blog about this. Mainly for myself, but maybe there are others out there in the same boat as me and bizarrely they might even find this blog helpful! Who knows!!
What else can I say about myself? Well, I am an Arsenal fan with all the highs and lows that comes with that. I used to love gaming although sadly real life has had a word and let's just say gaming has not been a thing of late. I love reading (anything) and I love sitting down and binge-watching a series on Netflix. Oh and coffee. I LOVE coffee and can't imagine life without it. I also have a new addiction of late - Udemy courses. I have so many courses to learn (blasted sales are always too tempting to resist) and not enough time to learn them! It is interesting though that the older I get older the more passionate I am about learning.
What will I blog about?
So that's enough about me. The main reason for the blog is to cover a few different things but mostly it will be:
To blog my progress on my OU final project, what I am doing and how I am getting on.
Anything interesting I have come across in my Udemy courses.
How I am finding the job application process.
I am sure I will go over other things at some point, but for now these are the main areas. My next blog post will go into some more details about my project and what I am hoping to build out of it. Oh, and I might talk a little about building my own portfolio site but not sure I will get to that any time soon.
That's all for now! I dont suspect anyone will read this but that's OK! As I said this is just a way for me to have a way of seeing how I am developing over the course of the next few months!